Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hump Day

While I try to keep this blog positive, exciting, and emotion-free, I think after a few months I can make an exception-post. For those of you looking for happy, sunshine-y,  "this is so awesome" light reading, look elsewhere (i.e. the last post or two.) Things are about to get REAL. Also, if you want to skip past this vent-session, I've included stage directions/notes. 

(begin 'Rant')

Today was a struggle. A comedian I saw last week for Spotlight joked about how some people have to ride the struggle bus from time to time, and sometimes you're even the one running after said bus because you were too late to get on it. Today, I was that person running. Let's start with this morning. 

Not only did I wake up 2 hours before my alarm, but by the time I fell back asleep I woke up too late to be on time to work. My hair wasn't cooperating, and outfit number 2 didn't really work because of an important piece I left at home, but since there was no third backup outfit (which I've never actually needed to have planned until today), I had to make it work. My microwave decided that today it was just going to run but not heat things, so I had half soggy/lukewarm oatmeal for breakfast, AND I wasn't able to make my pour-over coffee. The latter should've been a sign that I was better off going back to sleep and skipping today. 

Once I finally made it to work, things with the event weren't running as smoothly as hoped. Once we got set up outside, I had to attempt to look professional and put together as my face flushed and dripped in the 200 degree heat index weather.Folks, this was only 10 am. (Sidenote: My iPhone actually overheated later in the day and wouldn't work until I let it cool down. I didn't even know this was a real thing!)  

The 55 pages I sped-read yesterday for my noon class went unused as an APA orientation took place instead. What's worse, I knew about this orientation ahead of time, but had forgotten, so I stressed about reading all those pages anyway. I also had to actually act as a supervisor today for the first time with mine out of the office. Most people think it's fun being in charge, but when everyone is staring at me--the Queen of Indecisiveness--to make a decision, I'd gladly delegate any day. I can only hope that my spontaneous answers were good ones. 

Finally, when writing this post, I attempted to spell "included" with an "e". I got 3rd place in my 6th grade Spelling Bee guys. That might be the most heart-breaking fail of all.

(end 'Rant')

By now I'm sure my boyfriend and my mentor from Iowa State are both a little amused because I'm about to give them a big "you were right, tell me you told me so" moment. Grad school is a LOT of work! I'm literally busy allll the time. On top of the 115 pages I'm expected to read in a day, I also have to actually work. *sigh*

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to spew off a list of complaints, and I definitely haven't changed my mind on loving this whole experience that I am very fortunate to have, but today was just one of those days. This is still just the start, and I'm still trying to figure out my routine. I know there'll be plenty more of these days ahead; they come with any job. But I also am happy that the good days far outweigh the bad. It's like a relationship right? Some days you just want to (figuratively) kill your partner, but you don't because you would miss them.

I hope the rest of you are having a better Wednesday than myself. But if you're not, maybe this will cheer you up. :)

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Burg Bound

WOW have the past two weeks flown by! College may not have been the best years of my life, but I have a feeling these next two years are gonna be one for the books! The past two weeks have been so hectic and I've loved every minute of it. Here's a little recap:

I spent an amazing 4 days in Illinois with Austin and his family. I was SO nervous meeting his parents at the airport, but those nerves quickly disappeared :). Words cannot describe how much I loved those few days there, and it was definitely hard to leave! But after returning home I had about one day to gather allll my clothes and shoes and other miscellaneous belongings before moving to Warrensburg for good. For the first time I was completely nerve-free on the drive!

Now, the business cards, name tag, and polo have arrived, and I have been an official employee for the past week! The google calendar is color coded and packed to the max (goodbye social life! ;) ). But the past week of training has been such a fun learning experience. I am so blessed to have this opportunity to step out of my comfort zone, and to be surrounded by some awesome coworkers (that includes my 5 new undergrad advisees!).

Class starts this Wednesday and I feel quite prepared after adjusting to my minimal sleep schedule. Rachel found her dress yesterday, so the Maid of Honor duties will come rolling in soon as well and I could not be more excited! I don't think I've stopped moving, and probably won't anytime soon, but all is well :).